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Training and Competency Schedule

Title Liscense/Training Frequency Notes
Concrete Line Pump PB HRWL 5 Years
Articulated Dump Truck RIIMP0337 – Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations or equivalentns N/A
AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC / REFRIGERATION Restricted Electrical License 5 years Yearly or 5 yearly renewal
AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC / REFRIGERATION Refrigerant Handling License 3 years Yearly, 2-yearly or 3 yearly renewal
ALL EMPLOYEES WORKING ON AN MPX CONSTRUCTION PROJECT White Card; CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry N/A Or superseded CPCCOHS1001 Work Safely in the Construction Industry or Blue Card
ALL EMPLOYEES WORKING ON AN MPX CONSTRUCTION PROJECT General Induction 3 years Online (WA) or face to face
ALL EMPLOYEES WORKING ON AN MPX CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project-specific induction (internal training) Prior to working on a specific MPX project for the 1st time
ARBORIST Certificate III in Arboriculture N/A
ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONTRACTOR - NSW, QLD and VIC Class B licence N/A Non-friable asbestos
ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONTRACTOR – NSW, QLD and VIC Class A licence N/A Friable and non-friable asbestos
ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONTRACTOR – RESTRICTED - WA Restricted asbestos license 2 years >10m2 bonded (non-friable) asbestos
ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONTRACTOR – UNRESTRICTED -WA Unrestricted asbestos license 2 years Friable and non-friable asbestos
ASBESTOS REMOVALIST (FRIABLE) CPCCBC4051 Supervise Asbestos Removal and CPCCDE3014 Remove Non-Friable Asbestos N/A
ASBESTOS REMOVALIST (NON-FRIABLE) WSRAL001 Restricted Asbestos License or CPCCDE3014 Remove Non-Friable Asbestos N/A
BUILDING MAINTENANCE UNIT OPERATOR VOC + RIIWHS204 Work safely at heights Prior to 1st use + N/A VOC covering operations + induction into operation of building maintenance unit (by supplier)
BULLDOZER OPERATOR RIIMPO323 Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO323 Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations or LZ Competency
CHAINSAW OPERATOR AHCOM213 Operate and Maintain Chainsaws N/A Or superseded AHCMOM213 Operate and Maintain Chainsaws or RTC2304A Operate and Maintain Chainsaws
CONCRETE CORING AND CUTTING CPCCCO3047 Cut and core concrete N/A Or superseded CPCCCO3027 Cut and core concrete
CONCRETE PLACING BOOM – MOBILE & TOWER (SATELLITE PLACING BOOM) OPERATOR PB HRWL 5 years PB HRWL covers the operation of a vehicle mounted concrete boom pumping systems, including a minimum of two boom stages, and the use and monitoring of the boom distribution system
CONFINED SPACE ENTRY; CONFINED SPACE SENTRY / SPOTTER RIIWHS202 Enter and work in Confined Spaces 5 years Or superseded RIIWHS202 Confined Space Entry
CRANE - BRIDGE AND GANTRY OPERATOR CB HRWL 5 years CB HRWL covers the operation of bridge as gantry cranes controlled from a permanent cabin or control station on the crane and those which are remote controlled having more than three operations (hoist, raise and lower equals one operation), including the
CRANE - DERRICK OPERATOR CD HRWL 5 years CD HRWL covers the operation of a slewing strut-boom crane with its boom pivoted at the base of a mast which is either guyed (guy-derrick) or held by backstays (stiff-legged derrick) and which is capable of luffing under load
CRANE - NON SLEWING MOBILE OPERATOR CN HRWL + NSW - Crewsafe 5 years (HRWL Only) Articulated non-slewing mobile cranes are not permitted on MPX sites (e.g. franna, ranger). CN HRWL covers the operation of a mobile crane greater than 3 tonnes capacity that incorporates a boom or jib which includes articulated type mobile cranes and loc
CRANE - PORTAL BOOM / OPERATOR CP HRWL + NSW - Crewsafe 5 years (HRWL Only) CP HRWL covers the operation of a boom crane or jib crane mounted on a portal frame, which is supported on runways along which the crane travels
CRANE - SLEWING MOBILE / OPERATOR (over 100T) CO HRWL + NSW - Crewsafe 5 years (HRWL Only) Includes C1, C6, C2, CN and CV HRWL; CO HRWL covers the operation of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity over 100 tonnes
CRANE - SLEWING MOBILE / OPERATOR (up to 100T) C1 HRWL + NSW - Crewsafe 5 years (HRWL Only) Includes C6, C2, CN and CV HRWL; C1 HRWL covers the operation of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity up to 100 tonnes
CRANE - SLEWING MOBILE / OPERATOR (up to 20T) C2 HRWL + NSW - CrewSafe 5 years (HRWL Only) Includes CN and CV HRWL; CR HRWL covers the operation of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity up to 20 tonnes
CRANE - SLEWING MOBILE / OPERATOR (up to 60T) C6 HRWL + NSW - Crewsafe 5 years (HRWL Only) Includes C2, CN and CV HRWL; C6 HRWL covers the operation of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity up to 60 tonnes
CRANE - TOWER / OPERATOR CT High Risk Work License (HRWL) 5 years + Inducted into crane (by supplier), Operator emergency rescue procedures, fire extinguisher CT HRWL covers the operation of a jib or boom crane mounted on a tower structure, demountable or permanent, including both horizontal and luffing jib types
CRANE - VEHICLE LOADING / OPERATOR CV HRWL 5 years CV HRWL covers the operation of a crane with a capacity of 10 metre tonnes or more, mounted on a vehicle to move a load onto or from the vehicle, including the application of load estimation and slinging techniques to move a load
DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR – CLASS 1 (WA) Class 1 Demolition license 2 years >10 m in height, affects structural integrity, use of load shifting equipment on suspended floor, Pre or post tensioned structural components, tilt-up/precast, use of explosives, use of mobile / tower crane SWL>100 tonnes, >200 m2 brittle/fragile roofing
DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR – CLASS 2 (WA) Class 2 Demolition license 2 years Structure <10 m in height (single story)
DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR – CLASS 3 (WA) Class 3 Demolition license 2 years >200 m2, brittle/fragile roofing material
DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR (VIC, NSW, QLD) Demolition licence 2        years This licence must demolish (or partially demolish), any building, structure or installation that: is over 15 metres in height, is a chemical installation, involves a tower crane on site, involves a mobile crane with a rated capacity of more than 100 tonne
DEMOLITION WORKER (ALL) CPCCCM2009 - Carry out Basic Demolition N/A
DOGMAN (DOGGING) DG HRWL 5 years DG HRWL covers the application of slinging techniques to move a load (including the selection and inspection of lifting gear) and/or the directing of a crane/hoist operator in the movement of a load when the load is out of the view of the crane/hoist oper
DRILL RIG OPERATOR RIIOGD403 Conduct Drilling Operations N/A RIIOGD403 Conduct Drilling Operations
DRUG & ALCOHOL OFFICER HLTPAT004 Collect Pathology Specimens Other Than Blood or HLTPAT005 Collect Specimens for Drug Abuse Testing N/A Or superseded by HTLPAT304 Collect Pathology Specimens Other Than Blood
DRUM ROLLER OPERATOR RIIMPO317 Conduct Roller Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO317, RIIMPO317, RIIMPO317 Conduct Roller Operations or RS Competency
DUMP TRUCK OPERATOR RIIMPO336 Conduct Belly Dump Truck Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO311 Conduct Haul Truck Operations or SS / TT Competency
ELECTRIC PALLET LIFTER OPERATOR LF HRWL or TLID1002 Shift a Load Using Manually-Operated Equipment N/A Or superseded TLID1002 or TLID207 Shift a Load Using Manually-Operated Equipment
ELECTRICAL APPRENTICE Electrician’s Training License 4 years Yearly or 4 yearly renewal (WA)
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Electrical Contractor’s License 1 year, 3 year, 5 year Yearly (WA); Yearly or 3 yearly renewal (NSW); Yearly or 5 yearly renewal (VIC, QLD)
ELECTRICIAN (HIGH-VOLTAGE) UEPSS00003 High Voltage Operation – H.V Switching N/A
ELECTRICIAN (WA) Electricians License 5 years Yearly or 5 yearly renewal
EXCAVATOR OPERATOR RIIMPO320 Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO320, Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations and LE Competency
EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (configured as a crane) RIIMPO320 Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations + Verification of Competency (VOC) or C2 N/A VOC covering operations when configured as a crane
EXPLOSIVE POWERED TOOL OPERATOR CPCCM2007 Use Explosive Power Tools N/A Or superseded CPCCM2007 Use Explosive Power Tools
FALL ARREST / FALL RESTRAINT USER RIIWHS204 Work safely at heights N/A Or superseded RIIOHS204 Work safely at heights
FALSE CAR OPERATOR VOC Prior to 1st use VOC covering operations + induction into operation of false car (by supplier)
FAUNA / SNAKE HANDLER Fauna / Snake Handler training (external) N/A
FIRST AIDER HLTAID003 Provide First Aid 3 years Or superseded HLTFA311 Apply First Aid
FIRST AIDER HLTS00027 Occupational First Aid Skill Set 3 years Course includes HLTAID006 Provide Advanced First Aid, HLTAID007 Provide Advanced Resuscitation and HLTAID008 Manage First Aid Services and Resources
FORKLIFT TRUCK – ORDER PICKING OPERATOR (with forks attached) LO HRWL + RIIWHS204 Work safely at heights 5 years Includes use of fork extension tynes
FORKLIFT TRUCK OPERATOR (configured as a crane) LF + CN HRWL 5 years Irrespective of capacity
FORKLIFT TRUCK OPERATOR (with forks attached) LF HRWL 5 years Includes use of fork extension tynes: LF HRWL covers the operation of a powered industrial truck equipped with a mast and an elevating load carriage to which is attached a pair of fork arms or other attachment
FRONT END LOADER / BACK HOE OPERATOR RIIMPO319 Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPI319 Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations or LB Competency
FRONT END LOADER / BACK HOE OPERATOR (configured as a crane) Not permitted to be used with jib attachment / slung load
FRONT END LOADER OPERATOR RIIMPO321 Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO321 Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations, BCCPO3004 Conduct Wheeled Front End Loader Operations or LL Competency
GAS-FITTER Gas Fitter’s License 3 years
GRADER OPERATOR RIIMPO324 Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO324, Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations or GS Competency
HEAVY VEHICLE (HV) DRIVER Heavy Rigid (HR) Vehicle License 5 years Yearly or 5 yearly
LIGHT VEHICLE (LV) DRIVER C Class Vehicle License 5 years Yearly or 5 yearly
MATERIALS HOIST OPERATOR (WA) HM or HP HRWL 5 years HM HRWL covers the operation of a builder’s hoist by which only goods or materials and not personnel may be hoisted and where the car, bucket or platform is cantilevered from, and travels up and down externally to, a face of the support structure
MATERIALS HOIST OPERATOR (NSW, QLD, VIC) HM HRWL 5 years HM HRWL covers the operation of a builder’s hoist by which only goods or materials and not personnel may be hoisted and where the car, bucket or platform is cantilevered from, and travels up and down externally to, a face of the support structure
MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AIDER Standard Mental Health First Aider (Mental Health First Aid Australia) 3 years
MOBILE ELEVATED WORK PLATFORM – BOOM TYPE OPERATOR WP HRWL + RIIWHS204 Work safely at heights 5 years + N/A Applies to all boom lengths / capacity. WP HRWL covers the operation of a telescoping device, hinged device or articulated device or any combination of these used to support a platform on which personnel, equipment and materials may be elevated to perform
MOBILE ELEVATED WORK PLATFORM – SCISSOR TYPE OPERATOR SL or RIIHAN301 Operate elevating work platform 5 years SL – Scissor Lift
MULTI-TYRE ROLLER OPERATOR RIIMPO317 Conduct Roller Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO317, Conduct Roller Operations or RS Competency
PAINTING CONTRACTOR Painting Contractor’s License 1 year
PAVING MACHINE OPERATOR RIICBS305 Conduct Asphalt Paver Operations N/A Or superseded by RIICBS305 Conduct Asphalt Paver Operations or PM Competency
PERMANENT ANCHORAGE INSTALLER Approved installer + SB or RB HRWL N/A + 5 years Installer approved by height safety equipment manufacturer
PERSONNEL & MATERIALS HOIST OPERATOR HP HRWL 5 years Includes HM HRWL. HP HRWL covers the operation of a builder’s hoist in which personnel, goods and/or materials may be hoisted, and which comprises a car, structure, machinery or other equipment associated with the hoist, and which may be either a cantilev
PILING RIG OFF-SIDER DG HRWL 5 years Preferable RIICFW306A Direct pile driving operations
PILING RIG OPERATOR Operator verification of competency (VOC) by contractor Prior to use of specific rig make/model on MPX site Preferable RIICFW304D Conduct pile driving operations. Crane HRWL according to rig capacity
PLUMBER Plumbing Tradesperson’s License 3 years
PLUMBER - DRAINAGE Plumbing Tradesperson’s (Drainage Plumbing) License 3 years
PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Plumbing Contractor’s License 3 years
PORTABLE APPLIANCE TESTER (TEST & TAG) UEENEEP026 Conduct In-Service Testing of Electrical Cord Connected Equipment and Cord Assemblies N/A
PRE-CAST CONCRETE ELEMENTS (ALL EMPLOYEES) CPCCCM1016 Identify requirements for safe tilt-up work N/A Or superseded CPCCCM10007 or CPCCCM2011 Carry out tilt up work safely
RESTRICTED DEMOLITION LICENCE (VIC, NSW, QLD) Restricted demolition licence 2 years This licence must demolish (or partially demolish), any building, structure or installation that is between four metres and 15 metres in height involving mechanical demolition such as using excavators, bulldozers or cranes, is between 10 metres and 15 met
RIGGER (RIGGING – ADVANCED) RA HRWL 5 years RA HRWL covers all Rigging – Basic / Intermediate and all Dogging work. Gin piles and shear legs. Flying foxes and cableways. Guyed derricks and structures. Suspended and fabricated hung scaffolds
RIGGER (RIGGING – BASIC) RB HRWL 5 years RB HRWL covers all Dogging work. Movement of plant and equipment. Steel erection. Hoists (incl. mast climbing hoists). Placement of pre-cast concrete. Safety nets and static lines. Perimeter safety screens and shutters. Cantilevered crane-loading platform
RIGGER (RIGGING – INTERMEDIATE) RI HRWL 5 years RI HRWL covers all Rigging – Basic and all Dogging work. Cranes, conveyors, dredges and excavator. Tilt slabs. Hoists with jibs and self-climbing hoists. Demolition. Dual lifts
ROPE ACCESS TECHNICIAN (ALL EMPLOYEES) ARAA Level 1, 2 or 3 3 years Level 1=Basic Operator, Level 2=Advanced Operator
ROPE ACCESS TECHNICIAN (SUPERVISOR) ARAA Level 3 3 years Level 3=Advanced Site Supervisor
ROPE ACCESS TECHNICIAN (SUPERVISOR) IRATA Level 3, who is a rope access safety supervisor 3 years Level 3=Experienced Rope Access Technician
SCAFFOLDER (SCAFFOLDING – ADVANCED) SA HRWL 5 years SA HRWL covers all Scaffolding – Basic and Intermediate work. Hung scaffolds, including scaffolds hanging from tubes, wire ropes or chains. Suspended scaffolds
SCAFFOLDER (SCAFFOLDING – BASIC) SB HRWL 5 years SB HRWL covers all modular or pre-fabricated scaffolds (including edge protection). Cantilevered materials hoists with a maximum working load of 500kg. Ropes and gin wheels. Safety nets and static lines. Bracket scaffolds (tank and formwork)
SCAFFOLDER (SCAFFOLDING – INTERMEDIATE) SI HRWL 5 years SI HRWL covers all Scaffolding – Basic work. Cantilevered crane-loading platforms. Cantilevered and spurred scaffolds. Barrow ramps and sloping platforms. Perimeter safety screens and shutters. Mast climbers. Tube and coupler scaffolds (including tube and
SCRAPER OPERATOR RIIMPO325 Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations N/A Or RIIMPO325 Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations or SS Competency
SECURITY CONTRACTOR Security Agents License 3 years Registered with Police Department
SECURITY OFFICER Security Officer’s License 3 years
SKID STEER LOADER OPERATOR RIIMO318 Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO318, Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations or LS Competency
SKID STEER LOADER OPERATOR (configured as a crane) N/A N/A Not permitted to be used with jib attachment / slung load
SPILL KIT USER RIIRIS403 Manage and Coordinate Spill Response N/A MPX Internal training (NSW)
SUSPENDED (SWING STAGE) SCAFFOLD OPERATOR VOC + RIIWHS204D Work safely at heights Prior to 1st use + N/A VOC covering operations + induction into operation of suspended scaffold (by supplier)
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – NON SLEWING OPERATOR (configured as a crane) CN HRWL 5 years Irrespective of capacity. CN HRWL+ Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers)
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – NON SLEWING OPERATOR (with forks attached <3T) LF HRWL 5 years LF HRWL+ Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers)
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – NON SLEWING OPERATOR (with forks attached >3T) CN + LF HRWL 5 years CN + LF HRWL + Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers)
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – NON SLEWING OPERATOR (with work platform attached) CN + WP HRWL + Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers) 5 years + N/A Use of fall arrest / fall restraint required, platform occupant as per mobile elevated work platform – boom type
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – SLEWING OPERATOR (configured as a crane) C2 HRWL+ Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers) 5 years C2 HRWL+ Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers)
TELESCOPIC HANDLER – SLEWING OPERATOR (with work platform attached) C2 + WP HRWL+ Telescopic handler gold card (NSW MPX Workers) 5 years + N/A Use of fall arrest / fall restraint required, platform occupant as per mobile elevated work platform – boom type. C2 + WP HRWL
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT - ADVANCED Advanced Worksite Traffic Management; RIIRIS402 Carry out the risk management processes; RIICWD503 Prepare work zone traffic management plan; RIIGOV401 Apply, monitor and report on compliance systems; RIIWHS201 Work safely and follow WHS policies and proc 3 years
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT / TRAFFIC CONTROL – BASIC Basic Worksite Traffic Management and Traffic Control; RIIWHS302 Implement Traffic Management Plan ;RIIWHS205 Control Traffic with Stop-Slow Bat; RIICOM201 Communicate in the Workplace; RIIWHS201 Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and Procedures 3 years
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DESIGN (QLD) RIICWD528D - Prepare detailed design of traffic management systems Initial & Ongoing CPD Aimed at persons required to design/develop Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Guidance Schemes in accordance with procedures set out in MUTCD Part 3.
Vacuum Lifting Equipment Familiarisation Training N/A
WATER TRUCK OPERATOR RIIMPO326 Conduct Civil Construction Water Cart Operations N/A Or superseded RIIMPO326 Conduct Civil Construction Water Cart Operations or WS Competency
WELDING – PRESSURE VESSELS/PIPING, STRUCTURAL incl reinforcement Cert III – fabrication trade (1st class welder) N/A
WORK AT HEIGHTS (FALL RISK >2m) RIIOHS204 work safely at height N/A Or superseded RIIOHS204 Work safely at heights
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