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References: R Record keeping requirement | E An engineering/certification requirement | P A permit to work requirement | S A safe work method statement (SWMS) / written plan
Penetrations considerations should be given to :
All penetrations must be protected immediately after they are created with:
In the case of penetrations in floors in buildings or structures.
Wire mesh must not to be used as a working platform.
Wire mesh must only be removed for the installation of services.
Only the required portion of wire mesh is to be removed immediately before the installation of services.
Any cover used over a hole or opening in a floor or other trafficable structural surface (e.g. roof, pit etc.) must be:
Where penetration covers or edge protection must be removed for work purposes, they should only be removed immediately prior to the work and barricading and warning signs must be in place.
R WA - Note: Where plant / equipment is located on or has the potential to travel over a penetration cover, the rated capacity shall be verified by a qualified person.
Where vertical risers have had the wire mesh removed and service installed – the riser shall be protected by:
Legal and Other Requirements
Document Control
Version 1 August 2019 – New Procedure
Version 2 9th May 2022 - Inclusion of the requirements for vertical risers which have had the wire mesh removed and service installed