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This handbook has been developed to describe the health and safety procedures and standards applicable to Multiplex construction projects.
This handbook is a useful reference for the identification of:
In addition, the handbook can be used for:
Each section is generally arranged to describe:
Reference to 'NSW, QLD, VIC or WA' specifies a jurisdictional requirement. (Note: Reference to NSW also applies to ACT, and VIC also applies to SA)
Text References
Icons and bold lettering have been included to highlight:
R References to record keeping requirement.
E References to an engineering / certification requirement.
P References to a permit to work requirement.
S References to safe work method statement (SWMS) / written plan requirement.
References to a specific hazard or specific requirement.
Bold text is used to reference specific MPX documents.
The standards, procedures, checklists or guidance notes contained within the document are noted with the word:
Legal and Other Requirements
All activities must be in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, Australian Standards and codes of practice, refer to:
Scope and Purpose
This handbook applies to the planning, construction and commissioning phases of Multiplex projects across Australia and its purpose is to:
Our Strategy
Multiplex continuously seeks to improve culture and standards across its business and the broader industry. Multiplex works collaboratively with our clients, industry peers, suppliers and contractors to establish and integrate health and safety controls at the earliest opportunity. Our strategy is founded on embedding safety in business processes and decision making, and is underpinned by four key themes:
Management System Framework
Multiplex has a management system framework that is applied throughout the business and on all projects we undertake. The structure of the health and safety management framework is described in Table 1 and must be read in conjunction with this manual.
Table 1: Management System Framework
An Internal Controls Framework based on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) model of internal control has been established which sets out the framework for all levels of the organisation in implementing effective internal controls to achieve its mission and accomplish its goals and objectives.
Abbreviations, acronyms and terms commonly used throughout this document are defined in Table 2. Where specific abbreviations, acronyms and terms are used they are defined in each section.
Table 2: Common Abbreviations, Terms and Definitions
Document Control
Version 1 August 2019 - New Procedure
Version 2 June 2021 - Inclusion of refernces to ACT and SA