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References: R Record keeping requirement | E An engineering/certification requirement | P A permit to work requirement | S A safe work method statement (SWMS) / written plan
Potential hazards include, but are not limited to:
Existing services including gas, electricity, stormwater, water, telecommunications etc. must be identified by MPX project management , prior to the commencement of work on the project.
Consideration must be given to employing a service locating subcontractor to identify existing services and develop a site services plan.
S All works adjacent to any identified services must be risk assessed and controls implemented.
Local authorities, services or suppliers must be consulted with, in respect to their service, prior to any site activity. Each service must be managed in accordance with local authorities, services or suppliers rules, regulations and permits or other requirements.
R All services temporary or permanent must be surveyed and identified /recorded on site plans.
The following must be considered when planning for temporary site services and facilities:
R Site services plans must be developed by MPX and be available at the site office.
Dial before you dig information must be reviewed prior to commencing any project.
Temporary Electrical Installations (Including lighting)
Refer to Section: Electrical
Prior to commencing any work activities that have the potential to impact site services, subcontractors must consult with MPX and review site plans/as built drawings.
R The location of all site services must be identified and illustrated on the site plans / as built drawings.
S Where the location of any service is in conflict with the work activity then the applicable SWMS must include reference to the service and the control measures to be implemented.
P A permit to work Excavation must be implemented prior to the commencement of excavation work.
R Where a subcontractor is responsible for installing new in-ground, temporary or permanent, services, the services must be clearly marked on the site plans / ’as built’ or ‘as con’ drawings as soon as practicable following the installation of the service.
MPX in conjunction with subcontractors must maintain and keep up to date the site services plan.
All MPX or subcontractor underground installed services must be identified with appropriate markers (surface and subsurface ie. identifier tape, as applicable) bedded with the appropriate materials and backfilled in accordance with the applicable specifications/standards. Note: Where services are bored they are required to be marked on the site services plans.
R Requirement for any shutdown of service must be notified, in writing in advance. The shutdown is not to proceed without approval from MPX.
Water Supply
Temporary water supply must be provided throughout the project to allow for dust suppression and facilitate construction water needs.
During earthmoving activities, consideration must be given to use of water trucks and/or the placement of stand pipes.
Drinking water (water fountains) must be made available at suitable locations throughout the project. Water filters must be fitted to temporary feeds supplying drinking water.
Consideration must be given to grouping drinking water (water fountains), temporary construction water and trade wash-out at the same location throughout the project. Where practicable these services must be established on a bund.
WA - Wash-out of tools and equipment is prohibited using drinking water supply/fountains.
Temporary toilets must be suitably plumbed and or chemical-type. Where temporary toilets are chemical, these must be maintained (containment tank pumped-out) on an as needed basis.
Temporary toilets must be cleaned as a minimum daily and kept in a clean, hygienic condition with soap and paper towels supplied.
Temporary toilets on multi-storey buildings must be distributed at least every
Suitable numbers of closets / urinals must be provided at the main project amenities in accordance with industrial instruments, regulatory authorities and due consideration given to the diversity of the workforce (i.e. male and female).
Trade Wash-out
An appropriate number of trade wash-out (flock drums) must be provided to allow for washing of tools and other equipment.
Trade wash-out (flock drums) must be situated on a bund with a suitable water feed and plumbed drainage connection:
Sediment build-up settling at the base of the trade wash-out must be monitored and emptied on a periodic basis.
The painting subcontractor must supply, establish and maintain separate wash-out for washing of their painting tools and equipment. This wash-out must be self-contained.
R WA, NSW and QLD - The painting subcontractor must arrange for the removal paint waste where required through a licensed liquid waste facility, obtain verifiable proof of disposal and provide to MPX.
R VIC - MPX must arrange for the removal of paint waste where required through a licensed waste facility. Obtain verifiable proof of disposal.
Legal and Other Requirements
Document Control
Version 1 August 2019 – New Standard