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References: R Record keeping requirement | E An engineering/certification requirement | P A permit to work requirement | S A safe work method statement (SWMS) / written plan
NOTE: Barricading and signage requirements are detailed within each section.
The project management team must determine the requirements for barricading and signage (type, location etc.) during the planning stages and throughout project delivery.
Signage must be in accordance with applicable SWMS, regulatory requirements, Australian Standards and Codes of Practice.
Signage and barricading for the protection of their work and work areas must be provided.
Signs erected on MPX sites must be clear and effectively communicate the nature of any potential or actual hazard or the requirement to which they refer.
Barricading erected on MPX projects must comply with standards specified in table 1
Signage erected on MPX sites must comply with the standards specified in table 1
Where barricading or signage becomes redundant, it must be removed and stored for future use (where applicable).
Site inspections (visual) must include verification of signage & barricading is being maintained and correctly located.
Barricading and signage must be installed and maintained by MPX and/or subcontractors to protect their work, work areas and to isolate potential hazards from others.
Where windrows are used, they are required to be constructed to at least half the diameter of the largest vehicle (or mobile plant) tyre that regularly uses any vehicle access routes on the project. Windrows should be maintained and allow for sufficient drainage.
Fencing and hoardings must be in accordance with:
The following equipment and facilities must be signed:
Emergency signage must be maintained for the duration of the project.
Table 1: Activity / Type of Barricading
Table 2: Activity / Type of Barricading
Legal and Other Requirements
Document Control
Version 1 - August 2019 – New Procedure
Version 2 - 9th May 2022 - Inclusion of the specification requirements for windrows