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Considerations should be given to the following:
In determining likely clearances of mobile plant, the effect of environmental conditions on the position of conductors should be considered.
If a worksite is near overhead electrical power lines. The, following No Go Zone requirements outlined in the figure below must be adhered to.
If a worksite is near overhead electrical towers, following No Go Zone requirements outlined in the figure below must be adhered to.
The controls that may be implemented for work to be undertaken near powerlines are dependent on the plant and equipment utilised and the work to be performed. Examples of controls that may be implemented include:
VIC and NSW - The no go zone exists for scaffolds are outlined in Table 3.
Table 3: VIC & NSW - Scaffold Approaches and clearances
VIC - The no go zone and spotter zones for:
Table 4: VIC - Elevated work platforms Approaches and clearances
Table 5: VIC - cranes, concrete placing booms and excavating equipment Approaches and clearances
TABLE 6 QLD - Exclusion zones for untrained persons
If any doubt as to the required clearance, consult with MPX site management.