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References: R Record keeping requirement | E An engineering/certification requirement | P A permit to work requirement | S A safe work method statement (SWMS) / written plan
Note: This section is to be read in conjunction with:
Design and Planning
Where rope access work is planned to be carried out the following must be verified:
R Rope access equipment must be inspected prior to each use and at intervals in accordance with the IRATA or ARAA code of practice. Refer to:
Rope access equipment must be maintained and correctly stored.
Employees must wear safety harnesses suitable for rope access work and they are trained appropriately, refer to:
Fit for purpose safety helmets (with chin straps) must be used.
Lanyards must be fitted to all tools/equipment
Safe access must be provided for rope access technicians to commence abseiling.
Suitable exclusion zones must be established below the rope access technicians and around their rigged rope access equipment.
Rope access rigging must incorporate at least one additional means of protection to prevent a rope access technician falling (e.g. a safety line).
Rope access technicians must be connected to both the working line and the safety line via a harness.
Legal and Other Requirements
Document Control
Version 1 August 2019 – New Standard