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Temporary Works Matrix (Guide for Design & Construction Projects)

Title Sub-Activity Design Resp (SC) Design Resp (MPX Consultant) Design Review (MPX Consultant) Design Review (3rd Party) High Risk Workshop Authority Approval Inspection (SC Consultant) Inspection (MPX Consultant) Inspection (SC) Inspection (3rd party) MPX Form
Concrete lines + satellite boom pumps + mobile concrete pumps (ground conditions etc.) Concrete lines - Fixed Proprietary QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loading on structure, back propping, temp peno's Yes CP (PB HRWL) - Prior to use
Concrete lines + satellite boom pumps + mobile concrete pumps (ground conditions etc.) Concrete pumps (mobile) - Ground Conditions QP (Geotechnical Engineer) Incl. Ground bearing pressure QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - review setup locations CP (PB HRWL) - Verify loads, ground bearing pressure and location setup NSW/QLD/WA - Permit
Concrete lines + satellite boom pumps + mobile concrete pumps (ground conditions etc.) Concrete Placement Equipment (Satellite) Concrete Placing Booms QP (Structural Engineer) Incl. Footings and foundations, slab staging (climbing) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loading on structure, back propping, temp peno's Yes WHS Regulator; Design Registration; Plant Registration QP (Structural Engineer) CP (PB HRWL + Manufactured Trained) - Commissioning
Cranes Tower crane foundations (concrete, grillage) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) for Complex Yes QP (Tower Crane Engineer) - inspection or review of information QP (Structural Engineer) and QP (Geotechnical Engineer) CP (Tower Crane Installer) TC Erection Checklist
Cranes Tower crane erection QP (Tower Crane Engineer) - incl. installation / crane ties / grillage QP (Structural Engineer) - crane ties / supporting structure QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure QP (Structural Engineer) for Complex Yes WHS Regulator; Design / Item and Plant Registration, CASA Approval QP (Structural Engineer) - tower crane base , QP (Tower Crane Engineer) Pre-use + 12 monthly QP (Structural Engineer) incl. transferring loads to permanent structure CP (Tower Crane Installer) QP - (Crane Safe or Tower Crane Engineer) NSW/QLD/VIC - TC Erection Checklists WA - TC Pre-mobilisation WA - TC Commissioning WA - TC Handover
Cranes Tower crane climbing QP (Tower Crane Engineer) - tie design QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure Yes CASA Approval QP (Tower Crane Engineer) CP (RA HRWL) TC Climbing Checklist
Cranes Dual Lifts or Complex Lifts (tower crane or mobile crane) QP (Engineer) CP (RI or DG HRWL)
Cranes Mobile/crawler cranes - ground working platforms QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Geotechnical Engineer) subject to scope QP (Geotechnical Engineer)-where SC design resp. Yes CASA Approval QP (Geotechnical Engineer)ground conditions only CP (Crane Supplier)-Ground bearing NSW/QLD - Permit, WA - PTW Outrigger, Mobile Crane, Piling Rig
Cranes Mobile crane/spider crane - suspended slab (concrete/timber) QP (Structural Engineer) CASA Approval - where reqd QP (Structural Engineer) incl back propping CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) NSW/QLD - Permit WA - PTW Outrigger, Mobile Crane, Piling Rig
Cranes Signage attached to tower cranes QP (Tower Crane Engineer) or Manufacturers Approval Yes Local Council CP (Installer)-upon erection CP (CraneSafe Engineer or TC Engineer)12 monthly
Cranes Tower crane ties QP (Tower Crane Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) Yes WHS Regulator - Design Registration QP (Tower Crane Engineer) CP (Tower Crane Installer) TC Climbing Checklist
Cranes Tower crane access bridge QP (Scaffold Engineer) or Proprietary System QP (Structural Engineer) Yes WHS Regulator - Design Registration QP (Scaffold Engineer) where non-proprietary CP (SB HRWL) TC Climbing Checklist
Demolition Demolition QP (Structural Engineer) + SC incl Demolition Work Plan, QP (Structural Engineer) -Backpropping or similar QP (Structural Engineer) incl. methodology QP (Structural Engineer) incl. methodology - Complex only Yes WHS Regulator QP (Structural Engineer) if hold points nominated in Demo Work Plan QP (Occupational Hygienist) or QP (Asbestos Assessor) - NSW Only CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - pre and post demolition work WA Demolition checklist pre-commencement verification VIC, QLD, WA Demolition Permit
Demolition Demolition Scaffold (Heavy Duty) QP (Engineer) or QP (Engineer) - certified QLD Only QP (Structural Engineer) incl. loading on structure QP (Structural Engineer) - NSW only CP (SB, SI or SA HRWL) CP (SB, SI or SA HRWL) - NSW Only
Excavations / Trenching Benching and battering QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - subject to scope (For excavations that do not maintain a 1:1 slope ratio or exceed a depth of 1.5 meters) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - subject to scope. (For excavations that do not maintain a 1:1 slope ratio or exceed a depth of 1.5 meters) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) where SC design resp. (For excavations that do not maintain a 1:1 slope ratio or exceed a depth of 1.5 meters) Yes >1.5m QP (Geotechnical Engineer) where design resp. (For excavations that do not maintain a 1:1 slope ratio or exceed a depth of 1.5 meters) QP (Geotechnical Engineer), (For excavations that do not maintain a 1:1 slope ratio or exceed a depth of 1.5 meters) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Excavation Permit
Excavations / Trenching Shoring systems QP (Structural Engineer) or Proprietary Design QP (Geotechnical Engineer) where non-proprietary Yes >1.5m QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - where non-proprietary CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - Manufactured trained Excavation Permit
Excavations / Trenching Retaining wall systems QP (Structural Engineer) Yes >1.5m QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Excavations / Trenching Vehicle Traffic Earth Ramps QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Geotechnical Engineer)
Formwork Suspended Formwork for Slabs (Conventional / Engineered) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. loading on structure QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) to verify concrete strength before stripping CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - Before formwork is loaded Pre-pour checklist
Formwork Structural steel decking and other composite slab systems QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer)-where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - Before deck is loaded / shear studs WA - Structural steel deck handover inspection, Pre-pour checklist
Formwork Formwork tables / elements - cantilevered QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Stripping criteria QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) to verify concrete strength before stripping CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Pre-pour checklist
Formwork Formwork Columns and Walls (Conventional / Engineered) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer); >3.5 m (repetitive arrangement) - first arrangement only / >3.5m (single arrangement) / single- sided more than 2.4 m (pre-pour) - NSW/QLD only CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - Access to trades / Pre-pour Pre-pour checklist
Formwork Column / wall climbers (Screens) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loading on structure Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - after first assembly QP (Structural Engineer) - verify concrete strength prior to climbing CP (RB HRWL) - Prior to use, CP (RB or DG HRWL) - Prior to jumping
Formwork Formwork shutters QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) Incl. Loading on structure Yes QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Pre-pour checklist
Formwork Jacking systems (Formwork jump form) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loading of structure, temp penos/pockets Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - after first assembly and prior to being put into service QP (Structural Engineer) - verify concrete strength prior to climbing CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - Prior to being out into services / Pre-jump / Post-jump; CP (RB HRWL) - Prior to Use CP (Subcontractor Supervisor + MPX verification) - Pre-jump
Formwork Modular Stairs Proprietary QP (Structural Engineer) Yes QP (Structural Engineer)
Formwork Signage attached to jump-forms QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor supervisor)
Formwork Suspended Formwork for Stairs (Conventional / Engineered) QP (Structural Engineer) incl methodology QP (Structural Engineer) incl. loading on structure Yes QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Pre-pour checklist
Ground Improvement Ground Anchors QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Building Foundations - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) incl. Methodology - where SC design resp. Yes Local Council (where applicable) QP (Structural Engineer), QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer) +, QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Ground Improvement Ground working platforms for piling rigs (piling platform / mat) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) incl. methodology Yes QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) to verify conformance to SC's provided design WA Outrigger/ mobile crane/ Piling rig VIC/QLD/WA Demolition Permit
Ground Improvement Sheet piling QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Building Foundations - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) +QP (Geotechnical Engineer) -subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) +QP (Geotechnical Engineer)where SC design resp. Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer)+QP (Geotechnical Engineer)- where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Ground Improvement Diaphragm wall QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Building Foundations - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) +QP (Geotechnical Engineer) where SC design resp. Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer)+QP (Geotechnical Engineer)- where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Ground Improvement Cofferdams QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Geotechnical Engineer) for Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer) +QP (Geotechnical Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) A Class incl. vehicle access gates QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Local Council QP (Structural Engineer) - Post Erection/Handover/Major Modification QP (Structural Engineer) - 12 monthly (NSW/VIC/QLD)
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) B Class Gantries incl. vehicle access gates (structural steel) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) Local Council QP (Structural Engineer) - Post Erection/Handover; Major Modification QP (Structural Engineer) - 12 monthly (NSW/VIC/QLD)
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) B Class Gantries (scaffolding) QP (Structural Engineer) + QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) - NSW Only Local Council CP (SB, SI or SA HRWL) CP (SB, SI or SA HRWL) - NSW Only
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) Temp Fence (Perimeter) Proprietary Design CP (Installer) - Manufactured Trained / Instruction of Use WA - HSE Inspection
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) Fly camp / camp / offices/ / breezeways / amenities structures QP (Structural Engineer) or Proprietary Design QP (Geotechnical Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer)
Hoardings / Gantries / Gates (large vehicle access gates) Signage attached to B class hoardings QP (Structural Engineer) Local Council CP (Subcontractor supervisor)
Hoists Hoists incl. mast ties and bridging platforms (e.g., from the hoist to the structure) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure Yes WHS Regulator - Design Registration QP (Structural Engineer) CP (RA HRWL) - commissioning / climbing VIC / QLD Hoist Checklist
Hoists Lift shaft protection decks QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Hoists Mast Climbing Work Platform QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. assessment of base structure and tie locations to structure Yes WHS Regulator - Design Registration CP (RA HRWL)
Perimeter Screens (Cantilevered) Perimeter Screens - Crane lifted QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loadings on structure Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - post/first assembly CP (RB or DG HRWL) - Prior to use / Prior to jumping CP (Subcontractor Supervisor + Verified by MPX) - Pre and post-perimeter screen jumps
Perimeter Screens (Cantilevered) Perimeter Screens - Self Climbing QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loadings on structure Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - post/first assembly CP (Trained in System) - Prior to use / Prior to jumping CP (Subcontractor Supervisor + Verified by MPX) - Pre and post-perimeter screen jumps
Post Tensioning Post-Tensioning QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) - where SC design resp. Yes QP (Structural Engineer) where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Pre-pour checklist
Precast Concrete Precast concrete - bracing QP (Structural Engineer) incl ESM QP (Structural Engineer) Yes CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Precast Concrete Precast tilt-up panels QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) Yes WHS Regulator - to be notified of the proposed manufacture of concrete panels where they are to be incorporated into a wall - WA Only QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Precast Concrete Pre-cast panels (walls, facade) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) Yes CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) VIC - Erecting Precast Elements WA - Precast concrete elements checklist WA - Precast concrete elements permit
Precast Concrete Pre-cast columns QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) Yes CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Reinforcement Reinforcement vertical self-supporting including prefabricated columns QP (Structural Engineer) incl methodology for lifting and temp support prior to shutter install Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - prior to pour CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) Pre-pour checklist
Reinforcement Reinforcement cages (Crane lifted only) QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) - subject to scope incl. lifting points/methodology QP (Structural Engineer) - where SC resp. Incl. lifting points/methodology Yes QP (Structural Engineer) where design resp - prior to pour QP (Structural Engineer) where design resp - prior to pour CP (Subcontractor Supervisor) - prior to lifting
Reinforcement Reinforcement deep beams and slabs (Insitu) QP (Structural Engineer) Incl. Methodology Yes QP (Structural Engineer) Pre-pour checklist
Scaffolding Scaffold Proprietary QP (Structural Engineer) - verify loads on suspended concrete/timber slab QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - assess ground conditions WHS Regulator; Design registration - prefabricated only CP (SB HRWL) - >2m (WA) >4m (QLD, NSW, VIC) - After installation/ every 30 days/alteration/modification
Scaffolding Scaffold - Complex QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) - verify loads on suspended concrete/timber slab QP (Geotechnical Engineer) - assess ground conditions QP (Structural Engineer) - NSW Only QP (Structural Engineer) CP (SB HRWL) - After installation/ every 30 days/alteration/modification CP (SB HRWL) - NSW Only
Scaffolding Scaffold Suspended (Swinging Stages) Supplier Design Certification QP (Structural Engineer) incl. supporting structure CP (SA HRWL) - Pre-Use / Every 30 days / Alteration / Modification;CP (Trained in System) - VOC + Work @ Heights - DailyCP (Trained in System) - Installation ofSwing Stage Scaffolds (QLD Only) - Daily VIC/QLD - Swing Stage Inspection Checklist
Scaffolding Scaffold Spur incl. Catch Fans QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. Loadings on structure QP (Structural Engineer) CP (SA HRWL) -Pre-Use / Every 30 days / Alteration / Modification / After Inclement Weather
Scaffolding Signage / containment sheeting attached to scaffolding QP (Scaffold Engineer) Local Council Refer scaffolding
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Temporary facade retention systems (e.g., heritage facades) QP (Specialist Engineer) incl. methodology - subject to scope QP (Specialist Engineer) incl. methodology - subject to scope QP (Specialist Engineer) incl. methodology - where SC design resp. Yes QP (Specialist Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Specialist Engineer) -where design resp.
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Temporary facade panel infills QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Facade Installer)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Temporary mobile plant/vehicle ramp-fabricated (other than earth ramp) QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure Local Council - where reqd. QP (Structural Engineer)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Temporary mobile plant vehicle bridge QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure Yes Local Council - where reqd. QP (Structural Engineer)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Mobile plant/Vehicle impact barriers on public roads Proprietary Design CP (Prepare Traffic Mgmt Plans) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure Roads Authority CP (Traffic Controller) Daily traffic management checklist
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Haul Roads QP (Civil Engineer) QP (Civil Engineer) QP (Civil Engineer)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Structural steel erection support systems QP (Structural Erection Engineer) incl. ESM QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of ESM Yes QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Structural Steel SC) CP (RA HRWL) - end of shift/completion NSW/QLD/VIC -Structural steel erection checklist WA - Structural steel (pre-commencement verification)WA - Structural Steel PTW
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Structural timber support systems QP (Structural Erection Engineer) QP (Structural Erection Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Underpinning QP (Structural Engineer) incl. ESM subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) incl. ESM subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of ESM where SC resp. QP (Structural Engineer) - Complex Only Yes QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer)-where design resp.
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Catch decks designed to support a load (non-scaffolding or modular) QP (Structural Erection Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of loading on structure QP (Structural Engineer) CP (RB HRWL)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Safety nets for fall containment Proprietary design QP (Structural / Facade Engineer) incl. review of fixings CP (RB or SB HRWL) No competency - Work right systems
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Safety nets for fall arrest Proprietary design QP (Structural / Facade Engineer) incl. review of fixings CP (RB or SB HRWL)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Walk on nets QP (Structural / Facade Engineer) incl. review of fixings Yes CP (RB or SB HRWL) IRATA rope access technician
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) False car platforms (vertical transportation) Proprietary design CP (Induction by false car supplier) - Daily CP (Company Trained) - Pre-use CP (Service Technician) - as per manufacturer specs
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Lift shaft vertical opening - cage Proprietary design CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Structural Support (Miscellaneous) Facade (except precast) QP (Facade Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Facade Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Facade Engineer) - where SC design resp. Yes QP (Facade Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Facade Engineer) -where design resp. CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Structural Support / Propping Structural loadbearing support systems (needles / propping) QP (Structural Engineer) incl methodology - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) incl methodology - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of methodology and loadings on structure where SC design resp. QP (Structural Engineer) - where design resp. QP (Structural Engineer)-where design resp.
Structural Support / Propping Cantilevered crane loading platforms Proprietary design or QP (Structural Engineer) QP (Structural Engineer) incl. review of back propping and the loads onto the permanent structure CP (RA HRWL) -Prior to use and/or modification VIC/QLD - Cantilevered crane loading platform checklist
Structural Support / Propping Bracing for Blockwork in its temporary state (unfilled) QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
Work at Heights Edge protection fencing systems (including fixings) Proprietary Design or QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Supplier/manufacturer trained) - following installation/alteration / repair, inclement weather CP (Manufactured trained) - Daily/Monthly
Work at Heights Non-proprietary trafficable penetration covers e.g. mesh, ply or steel plate protection QP (Structural or Civil Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural or Civil Engineer) - subject to scope QP (Structural Engineer) WA ONLY
Work at Heights Non-proprietary non-trafficable penetration covers QP (Structural Engineer) where min embedment of mesh cannot be achieved on 4 sides
Work at Heights Fall Injury Prevention Systems (Fall Arrest / Fall Restraint) Temporary Proprietary Design CP (SB or RB HRWL) - after installation/alteration/repairCP (Trained Person - Work @ Heights) - Pre-useCP (SB or RB HRWL or Supplier / manufacturer trained NATA accredited or QLD/WA Approved by height safety equipment manufacturer height safety equipment inspector) - 12 monthly/6 monthly - WA Only)Refer Plant and Equipment schedule QLD - Harness Use for Work at Height Permit
Work at Heights Non-proprietary vertical penetrations QP (Structural Engineer) CP (Subcontractor Supervisor)
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